Tony Kirwan Music


singer and songwriter

Can’t See you No More


Here is the Christmas single Can’t See You No More form Tony Kirwan – a song for the ones we miss the most.
Available to buy here.
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Also available on iTunes, Amazon, Apple and all digital platforms for 99 cent.
SKU: TKM-S-001


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My Christmas Song – Can’t See You No More.

It is the best of times and the worst of times – Christmas is like the opening of the famous Charles Darwin story A Tale of Two Cities. We all have someone that we miss. I wrote this song to just share a little of the heartache and yearning for a past when we knew better times. Times that we can never have again.

And while loved ones, past and present, may be far away from us, they still live in a little place in our hearts. They always will.

So – raise a glass to the memories – after all – they are what make us who we are.

Happy Christmas one and all and wishing you all the very best for the New Year
