I’ve two stray cats – one is called called Big Tom and the other is Buddy and I’d always be singing to them and making up silly things like rhymes and scatting to them while in the kitchen cooking. I wrote Doola-Doo one day when I noticed my bedroom slippers were pretty worn out. A certain noticeable hole in one. The week previous, on a Tuesday night, a few musicians used to meet in a local pub for a midweek acoustic session.
On this particular night, one of my buddies met an old flame of his and she had a pretty good looking friend along with her. The ladies sat in on the gig and a great night was had. Afterwards the ladies invited us back to their house for a drink. I was driving so I asked for tea, the host lady said “I’ve only green tea” and laughed. “Great stuff” I replied.
We sang and played music for a while and chatted about everything. I felt an instant attraction towards this lady – she seemed like a wonderful person. It was getting late and we decided to finish up. I had played a new original song of mine for her called I’m Scared – she liked it and I said I’ll play it live for her at next week’s Tuesday gig. She smiled and off I went with my tail in the air, dander up all the way, ha ha!
The following Tuesday night we went to the local for the gig and I was watching the door all night. But she never arrived and I went home a bit disappointed I must admit. The next morning I wrote Doola….doo. I’ll leave the story at that for now.
2 years later, I met with Leah Moran of Leah Moran Stage School and we decided to put a video together for the song. Leah is a wonderful professional and she organised the venue and the kids and her brilliant team to help me shoot the video. I always thought it might have been Late Late Toy Show material – who knows – it could happen. It has become a very popular song that I play in my set as I constantly get requests for it and I always find it funny when guy’s get steamed up, they’re always singing the first line to me, Doola…doo, I’ve a hole in my shoe